Understanding Levels and Classes
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geared for students who have never taken dance or have very beginning/basic background, usually less that one (1) year. Class format is especially for begining children, and includes several phases of warm-up exercises, hand and feet exercises and preliminary positions and postures. The basic principals of technigue (line, form, placement) are broken down and demonstrated.

Level 2
ADVANCED BEGINNER - the beginning student has mastered level 1 classes and now takes the same class format at a slightly higher rate and faster pace, picking up new steps and terminology. Strict attention is focused on alignment, technique and vocabulary. It is manditory that the student has mastered the basic steps, turns, positions, ect. A placement examination may be required to participate at this level.
  Level 1
BEGINNER - Most basic class. Geared for students with at least 1 to 2 years of dance training. Builds on the skills and class formatting set forth in the Into./Basic level. Focuses on building a foundation of correct tecnique as well as a thorough and appropriate movement vacabulary for children. Some older students, with no dance background, may still take this class*. Basic dance principals are further concentrated on. Balance and "holding" of positions are required.

* may be examined/auditionded by instructor befor signing up for any upper level classes.

Level 3*
INTERMEDIATE - format includes extended warm-up, across the floor progressions and dance combinations. Combinations utilize rhythmic variations, multiple turns, direction changes and level changes. Classes are longer and at a slightly higher rate of pace so students will learn to apply muscle memory and higher musicality skills. Continues in the progression of level 2. An emphasis on perfecting techique and stylization. More syncopated or subtle rhythms may be used.

*must be examined by instuctor befor sigining for any upper level classes.


Level 4*
Next progression in pace, difficulty and stylization. It is required that students have mastered the previous levels and that both the instructor and the student, are confidant in the students abilitys. Speed, endurance and agility are required. Students are expected to be fully able to execute and demonstrate various moves and combinations with or with-out teacher demonstration. Incorporation and execution of tecnique and movement while adhering to musical arrangement is focused on.

*must be examined by instructor befor signing up for any upper level classes.


What is "Jump Start!?"
JUMP START! Where it all begins.
Any young child new to dancing or at a begining level will love this program. Our team of teachers have proven that they can reach and motivate your youngest dancers and inspire the most timid child. This is a perfect opertunity to expose them to the fun and excitment of dance. They'll be dancing all the way home! The future is just a "Jump Start" away!

What is Ballet!? What is Dance!?
Ballet -n.
1. a classical dance form demanding grace and precision and employing formalized steps and qestures set in intricate, flowing patterns to create expression through movement.
2. a theatrical entertainment in which ballet dancing and misic, often with scenery and costumes, combine to tell a story, establish an emotional atmosphere, ect.

Dance -v.
1. to move one's feet or body, or both, rhythmically in a pattern of step, especially to the accompaniment of music.
2. to leap, skip, ect., as from excitement or emotion; move nimbly or quickly
3. to bob up and down

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