Dress Codes
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GIRLS - pink ballet tights, pink split-sole ballet shoes and plane black leotard. Hair must be in a secure bun and always pulled away from the face..

BOYS - white or black tee shirt, black bike shorts or tights, black or white split-sole ballet shoes.

*No "street clothes" or "tennis shoes" of any kind.

  JAZZ / TAP / HIP-HOP & MOVEMENT CLASSES GIRLS - any color leotard or tights or other "form-fitting" dance clothing. NO baggy sweats or jeans. Split-sole jazz shoes. Shoes for Hip-Hop should be either jazz sneakers or proper fitting tennis shoes. Hair must be pulled away from the face.

BOYS - tee shirt (any solid color - no prints or patterns), bike short or other "form-fitting" dance clothing. NO baggy sweats or jeans. Split-sole jazz shoes. Shoes for Hip-Hop should be either jazz sneakers or proper fitting tennis shoes.

Note: for some jazz and/or Hip-hop classes, knee pads will be required for floor work. NO plastic knee pads.


Not sure were to get the right stuff! Click here.

Example of dress code for "JumpStart" Program.
  Who is Jim Keith? Find out! Visit our "Whos Who/Whats New" Page to find out more about Jim and the man behind 1st Position. You can also visit www.whoisjimkeith.freeservers.com!

Question: What do you get when you combine a national leader in recreational qymnastics and a dance studio with some of LA's top dance teachers and/or choreographers?
  Questions/Comments Let us know what you think! Visit our "Guest Book" and read what people are saying!

Answer: 1st Position Dance Academy!
located @
Fun & Fit Gymnastics Centers

visitor # 1086 to dress codes