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NO FOOD OR DRINK No food or drink (with the exception of water in a properly contained plastic bottle with a top) is allowed in the studio. COMPLETE THE CLASS Class will be dismissed by the teacher. If class started late, it may run late. If a student needs to be excused for any reason during class, they must ask permission of the teacher. For early dissmissal, no child will be released from class on there own accord; the parent must make prior arrangements and come to the door to retriev their child. This is a matter of safety. OBSERVATION AND VIDEOTAPING Parents may not sit in the classroom to videotape or take pictures during class, unless special arrangments have been made with the teacher and/or artistic director. Parents, grandparents and siblings may quietly and discreetly observe from outside the classroom at the observation window. Please do not knock on the windows or allow siblings to bang or tap the window. This distracts students focus and consentration! Periodically, teachers may open the classroom door and allow parents to observe. This is up to the teacher's discretion. Some teachers like to familiarize their classes with performing in front of groups to help prepare them for future performances. WHILE CLASSES ARE IN SESSION Parents and siblings are welcome to wait in the designated seatting areas while classes are in session. Outside noise is very disturbing to the students and teachers. Please do not "poke your head in" during class time. If your child is late, say your good-byes outside the classroom and let them enter there class themselves. Sometimes children, especially young children, have a hard time adapting to their class when they arive late. Remember, it may not distract your child for you to be in class, but it is very distracting to other children who do not know you. NEWSLETTERS & NOTICES Periodically, it is planed that you (the parent) will receive notices and/or newslatters updating you on studio news and happenings. These notices will be handed out at the end of class or e-mailed (if the option exists for you) to you. PLEASE CONTACT FUN AND FIT GYMNASTICS FOR FURTHER POLICES. |
What's new at 1st Position?? |
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